Owner and chief party planner

As a child, Judy Varney dreamed of one day having a little store full of wonderful gifts and paper, where every purchase was beautifully wrapped up with a bow. As an adult, her career path led her from marketing to event planning, where she produced large corporate events, sports sponsorships, and later civic and non-profit events. Life and world wide travel brought marriage, children and a desire to settle down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life in a small seaside town. She is often called upon by friends and family to help with celebrations and weddings, her favorite event of all.
She lives in Hingham, Massachusetts with her husband, daughters, two cats and a dog. Charming and historic Hingham Square seemed like the perfect place to open that little stationery and gift store, and in 2011 that dream came true on the corner of South and Main Streets.

Stop by our shop for a visit, we can’t wait to see you and inspire your next party.

37 Main Street

Hingham Square

Hingham, MA 02043



Open Monday thru Saturday

10am until 5pm

& by appointment

We schedule appointments during business hours (Monday – Saturday form 10 – 5) and also in the evenings.

Find us


37 Main Street

Hingham Square

Hingham, MA 02043



Open Monday thru Saturday

10am until 5pm

& by appointment